Hum TV Drama serial Ehd e Wafa is a military and patriotic drama and it’s a story of childhood friends featuring Osman Khalid Butt, Ahad Raza Mir, Ahmed Ali and Wahaj Ali in key roles. Alizah shah and Zara noor abbas also performing key roles as a female artist in this drama. The Ehd e Wafa drama’s full story revolves around these friends and their friendship.
Ehd e Wafa starts with these friends that are studying in the same college and enjoying their college life. They are breaking rules, finding girlfriends and enjoying every day of their lives, but later on during their college day’s there’s a misunderstanding between these friends and due to the misunderstanding their friendship breaks and they don’t want to meet again.
The group name of these friends is SSG and its not abbreviated as special services group and of course they are not commandos, but as name of these friends are Shayan, shahzain, shariq and saad that’s why the name of this groups is SSG.
Hum Tv Drama EHd E WAFA Directed by Saife Hassan and written by Mustafa Afridi. Ehd e wafa complete drama is a joint venture of HUM TV MD production and ISPR. Inter service public relation is Pakistan’s Army communication depart with civilians. After few episodes of this Pakistani Drama Ahad Raza mir joins Pakistan Army and move in to PMA Kakul and later on Osman Khalid butt, Ali Akbar and Wahaj also joins Defense and civil department. Dramas story continue parallel and intertwined. This is a classy Military drama of Hum TV but it is different in story as compare to alpha bravo Charlie, Wilco, Sepahi Maqbool Hussain and Dhuwan drama. It is a completely new story and in the teasers some of the dialogue create hype like Ahad Raza Mir advising his dogs that “don’t chase a women become a dog and not a human”.
Captain Faraz of Alpha Bravo Charlie is also performing in this Drama This is the only role he is playing after Alpha Bravo Charlie.
to watch the full story of this drama keep watching this video and subscribe our YouTube channel. The four teasers of Ehd e wafa has released and they are refreshing and delightful. Humor, entertainment and emotional working is very classy in this full drama.
Ehd e Wafa Episode 1 release date is not announced yet but its going to be on air in the same month of September or the first week of October 2019. There are 24 episodes of ehd e wafa.
Ehd E Wafa Cast:
Osman Khalid Butt, Ahad Raza Mir, Ahmed Ali and Wahaj Ali, Alizah shah and Zara noor abbas in key roles.