Ayesha Khan wedding Pictures gone viral on social media. Her Rasm-e-Hina took place yesterday and many known Pakistani showbiz personalities attended the wedding ceremony including Hamza Ali abbasi. Ayesha Khan is one of the most beautiful, talented and finest Pakistani Showbiz actress. She started her career From Dramas in 2000 and Played many impressive roles. She has also performed lead actress role in Pakistani Movies. Recently she announced on social media that she is going to get married soon and share her fiancé picture Major ubqah. She has also announced she is saying good bye to Showbiz after Marriage and starting a new journey of life. She has also stated she wants to spend quality time with her family.
We are sharing Ayesha khan’s wedding pictures you can see all Ayesha Khan wedding pictures Below. She wore Maroon Traditional dress with Golden Scarf. She has also worn heavy Golden jewelry.
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